4 Considerations for Creating a Stronger Employer Brand

August 22, 2018
August 22, 2018 Kyle Turk

4 Considerations for Creating a Stronger Employer Brand

Attracting, fostering and retaining talent are extremely valuable to businesses in today’s world. The rising trend of changing jobs throughout a person’s career has forced employers to really put a focus on their employer brand.

Employers are prioritizing how to find their unique employee value proposition and to connect with potential candidates in a relatable, meaningful manner. There are numerous techniques to showcase an employer brand, but whatever your approach, be mindful of these 4 important considerations for your strategy.  


Have you noticed a lot of companies say the exact same things on their career pages? They talk about culture, flexibility, team atmosphere, and other buzzwords. Candidates are increasingly in demand for authentic brands that are unique, tell a story that they can relate to and are real.

A common employer branding issue is that employers speak from the voice of the company instead of using the voice of their employees. It is much easier for potential candidates or consumers to trust people rather than brands. Showcasing your employer brand through your employees helps to create a trustworthy and authentic employer brand.

An example is to try replacing the blurb on your website about your culture with a video of your employees showcasing the culture or have the blurb written by an employee who tells their story of your culture.


Similar to converting customers, it takes multiple touch-points to create trust in your company to convert candidates. Create and share content on a consistent basis to really showcase that you’re authentic to your brand values.

Create a content calendar around your company’s activities and employees.

If community involvement is a big part of your employer brand, get photos of your employees serving meals to the homeless or participating at charity events. Share content for each community outreach activity. If health and wellness is a big part of your culture, share photos of your employees doing yoga in your boardroom or doing a team spin class. Plan your content according to scheduled activities to consistently showcase your commitment to your brand values.


Having leadership involved in your employee voice will not only help with authenticity but it will resonate with candidates. Candidates want to feel important, they want to feel like they’ll be valued, and they want to connect with your leaders on a personal level. Brands that find ways to humanize their leadership team, showcase their approachability and involvement, will be more effective at creating strong employer brands than those that do not.

Ensure that the leadership team is sharing their voice, participating in content and showcasing how they are contributing to the culture and the brand values of the company.


Know what is working and what is not working. Know where to focus your time and resources and where not to. Data-driven decisions are a big part of marketing your employer brand. Analyzing each social post, web page and news item that pertains to your employer brand is very important.

The ability to attribute ROI (return on investment) from candidates is just as important as attributing ROI to other marketing activities. A candidate’s journey to becoming an employee should be well documented and measured every step of the way. Using analytics will drive efficiencies in your efforts at creating a true authentic and trustworthy employer brand.


Let candidates really know and understand your company values, what you stand for, your strengths and what it would be like to work at your company. Share content that represents your value proposition and showcase your true employer brand through your employees.


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